
The summer coming to it’s end but here are some clips to remind us about the intensive beautiful Lebanese summer. And you, the brave hearts, know already that you can dip your feet anytime any season.

La explosión del 4 de agosto del Puerto de Beirut

¡Sí Queremos la verdad!

Yes, we need the truth behind the blast of August 4th in Beirut ! Yes for the justice ! Oui pour la vérité derrière l’explosion du 4 août au port de Beyrouth ! On ne se lassera pas avant d’avoir la justice établie ! ODiaspora […]


Lebanon woo-ed me

Katie in her article “20 Epic Things to Do in Lebanon” describes seeking breathtaking beaches, a resilient population, a lively nightlife scene, and rich history? Then look no further, she says. Lebanon has got you covered. Lebanon just “wow-ed” me and I’m sure it will […]