
After Months of Deadlock, Lebanon Has a New Cabinet!

After nine months of political wrangling and increasingly serious economic struggles, the political factions in Lebanon finally announced the formation of a national unity government on Thursday night. The new government describes itself as a consensus government; ministerial posts are distributed between all political parties […]


Tribute to Brigadier General Edgar Maalouf

About the former minister and Deputy,  Brigadier General Edgar Maalouf Born in Beirut in 1934, he entered the military school in 1953 and graduated as lieutenant. During his service, he was promoted to the rank of General, during which he took command positions including: Commander of […]


Hommage au Brigadier Général Maalouf

À propos de l’ancien ministre et député, le Brigadier Général Edgar Maalouf. Né à Beyrouth en 1934, il entra à l’école militaire en 1953 et obtint son grade de lieutenant. Au cours de son service, il a été promu au rang de Brigadier Général. Il […]


75 Jahre Unabhängigkeit

Die libanesisch-deutsche Union für Reform und Wandel beteiligte sich an dem Empfang des libanesischen Botschafters in Berlin, Dr. Mustafa Adib, anlässlich des 75. Jahrestages der Unabhängigkeit Die Zeremonie fand im Hotel Palace statt und das Publikum sang die libanesischen und deutschen Hymnen, darunter eine wichtige […]