
Lebanon woo-ed me

Katie in her article “20 Epic Things to Do in Lebanon” describes seeking breathtaking beaches, a resilient population, a lively nightlife scene, and rich history? Then look no further, she says. Lebanon has got you covered. Lebanon just “wow-ed” me and I’m sure it will […]


#Te amo_Líbano

LÍBANO – Therese MOUFAREJ MALVEZIN Recientemente encontré un artículo muy interesante sobre “14 lugares increíbles para visitar en el Líbano que no son Beirut, Baalbek o Byblos” de Jason Lemon, donde alienta a los turistas que visitan el Líbano a no quedarse atrapados con […]


#Te amo_Líbano

BATROUN – Thérèse MOUFAREJ MALVEZIN Durante los años ’70 este país de Oriente brilló con luz propia, era considerado la Suiza de Medio Oriente por su estándar de vida, su urbanización y su economía, pero los conflictos internos y con Israel acabaron con esos […]


Minister Bassil First in Batroun

Why FPM’s Leader Bassil is First in Batroun? Eight years have passed since the parliamentary elections in 2009. The regions, their candidates and voters have not changed, but the electoral votes seem to have changed, and Batroun is the best example.. Do these results reflect […]