The security situation in the southern Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh is worrisome after reports said that groups from the militant organization of Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis is receiving military training inside the camp, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Tuesday.
The daily said there is a clear concern on the part of several regional and international parties about the situation in the camp after receiving information that there are groups of the said brigades– that carry out terrorist operations in northern Sinai and are fought back by the Egyptian army on a daily basis– receiving training in the camp.
In addition, sources from within the United Nations organizations have raised concerns about the fact that a well-known international humanitarian organization is in the process of evacuating residents from Ain el-Hilweh camp, added the daily.
Sources following up on the issue, said the takfiri groups’ control has expanded within the camp.
From the Lebanese security point of view, the situation continues to be under control despite the unsolvable crisis of terrorists wanted by the Lebanese state taking refuge in the camp.
The Palestinian factions have vowed on numerous occasions to hand over the fugitive to Lebanese authorities but fail because of their inability to conclude the matter, according to the daily.
A Beirut-based diplomat reviewing the situation in the camp with Lebanese authorities said the actual number of terrorists in the camp are 42 not 100 as circulated. The terrorists must be extradited because they pose danger not only to Ain el-Hilweh and Lebanon, but also to the security of more than one regional and foreign state, said the daily.
These terrorists are being followed by Lebanese security services and various Arab and international security organizations because they have links to “symbols” of al-Qaida and Islamic State and other extremist groups operating in several countries.