Kataeb Party chief MP Sami Gemayel on Monday lashed out at the Cabinet for failing to convene for two weeks now, while accusing it of violating the constitution regarding the electoral law and sovereignty.
“The Cabinet has not convened since two weeks, as if the situation is excellent or as if we’re in Switzerland,” said Gemayel at a press conference.
He reminded that “only two weeks remain of the grace period that was given by the president for the approval of an electoral law.”
“We also remind you of the social and economic situation and we’re heading to an all-out economic collapse amid the huge deficit. Doesn’t this deserve the convention of the Cabinet?” Gemayel added.
“Another important issue is the violation of (U.N. Security Council) Resolution 1701, which you had pledged to respect in the ministerial Policy Statement. The violation happened in coordination with the Lebanese state, so how do you condemn the violation after the state oversaw it?” Gemayel went on to say, referring to Hizbullah’s announcement that it had “coordinated” its latest border tour for reporters with the Lebanese army and U.N. forces.
He reminded the government parties that they cannot “dodge their responsibilities” after having “committed themselves to the issue of elections, respect for sovereignty, and the state budget.”
“From our position in the opposition, we will continue to expose the mistakes that are being committed and we will not allow the ruling class to mislead the Lebanese,” Gemayel vowed.
He added: “The country can rise should you implement the law and abide by the constitution, which stipulates sovereignty over all territory, the drafting of an electoral law and respect for the deadlines.”
“Consuming the deadlines and keeping the 1960 (electoral) law mean that there is a conspiracy against the Lebanese that should be punished by prison,” Gemayel said.
“Had there been a tax on lying, we would have funded the new wage scale,” he went on to say.