Bassil Says ‘No One Can Eliminate Anyone in Lebanon’, Urges Fair Electoral Law

Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil attends a joint press conference after a conference on Syrian refugees at the Foreign Ministry in Berlin October 28, 2014. Representatives of around 40 states and NGOs met for a conference on Syrian refugees and the neighbouring countries bearing the brunt of the crisis. AFP PHOTO / TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP / TOBIAS SCHWARZ

Free Patriotic Movement chief and caretaker Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil stressed Wednesday that “no one can eliminate anyone in Lebanon,” as he called for a “fair” law for parliamentary elections.

“We must leave behind the policies of the past and the policies of elimination,” said Bassil during a visit to the Arab Club in Panama.

“We do not intend to eliminate anyone, seeing as in Lebanon no one can eliminate anyone. We can only build the country if we show ability to coexist without eliminating each other, and this can only happen through a fair electoral law,” Bassil added.

“It is true that the presidential vote was ‘made in Lebanon’ but this is not enough, and we will complete it by forming the cabinet, which is an obligatory and brief gateway for passing an electoral law and holding the polls on time,” the FPM chief went on to say.

Bassil also urged against “scaring the Lebanese of each other,” describing such attempts as “part of the political maneuvers that destroy the ties among the Lebanese.”