The summer coming to it’s end but here are some clips to remind us about the intensive beautiful Lebanese summer. And you, the brave hearts, know already that you can dip your feet anytime any season.
The summer coming to it’s end but here are some clips to remind us about the intensive beautiful Lebanese summer. And you, the brave hearts, know already that you can dip your feet anytime any season.
It’s not unusual to find non-professional actors breaking out at the Cannes Film Festival. But those who do, don’t often come with a medical degree. In De Son Vivant (Peaceful), the new film from French director Emmanuelle Bercot, a man refuses to accept his terminal […]
Carole Samaha är en libanesisk sångerska, skådespelerska och artist. Hon har släppt sex studioalbum. Samaha har en magisterexamen i skådespeleri och regi som hon fick från Saint Joseph University i Beirut. Samaha föddes den 25 juli 1972 i Beirut till Antoine Samaha från Khenchara och […]
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