
Heuschrecken-plage im Libanon

Zum zweiten Mal in Folge kündigte die libanesische Armee an, dass ihre Militärhubschrauber im Bereich Labweh in Bekaa weiterhin Insektizide sprühen werden, um die Heuschreckenschwärme zu bekämpfen, ihre Ausbreitung zu begrenzen und sie zu beseitigen. Der Umzug erfolgt am Tag nach der Ankunft der ersten […]


Army Commander Joseph Aoun: The battle was Heroic!

Lebanese Armed Forces Commander General Joseph Aoun affirmed Friday, in a speech delivered during the honoring ceremony of the army martyrs at the Defense Ministry in Yarzeh, that “the unity and territorial integrity of Lebanon is safeguarded by the army and its martyrs.” “However, the […]


Abu Takiye’s Son arrested in Arsal

The Intelligence department of the Lebanese army has arrested, Friday morning, the son of Sheikh Mustafa Hujeiri known as “Abu Takiye”. Abada Mustafa Hujeiri was detained in the northeastern border town of Arsal for numerous arrest warrants against him, as well as his alleged links […]