Kurdish-led forces are attacking militant positions north of the Islamic State’s de facto capital, Raqqa, Syria. The Times correspondent Rukmini Callimachi explains how the fall of Raqqa could incite sectarian tensions.
Kurdish-led forces are attacking militant positions north of the Islamic State’s de facto capital, Raqqa, Syria. The Times correspondent Rukmini Callimachi explains how the fall of Raqqa could incite sectarian tensions.
Nach dem Erreichen einer neuen Stufe von Spannungen im Nahen Osten zwischen den nuklearen Supermächten Russland und USA stürzten am Mittwoch die globalen Aktienmärkte ab, während der Öl- und der Goldpreis anstiegen. Der S&P 500, der Dow Jones und der Nasdaq Composite verloren […]
Military and emergency services outside Orly airport southern terminal after a shooting incident near Paris, France, March 18, 2017. WASHINGTON — French authorities are still working to determine whether a man shot dead at Paris’ Orly airport acted on impulse or carefully planned an attack. Ziyed […]
The top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan said Tuesday that U.S. troops are shifting the primary emphasis of recently approved operations against the Taliban to the eastern part of the country, where a variety of insurgents remain entrenched. Army Gen. John. W. Nicholson Jr. told […]
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