BEIRUT: In what seemed to be a private locker conversation, may seriously hinder US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s bid at attaining the U.S. presidency.
A leaked conversation between Trump and former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush dating back to 2005 caused offense and outrage among both the Republican and Democratic parties. The tape – obtained by the Washington Post – shows the businessman venting a plethora of derogatory and vulgar comments directed toward women.
“I did try and f–k her. She was married,” Trump continues, “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there and she was married,” Trump said. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything; she’s totally changed her look and when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the p—y. You can do anything,” Trump resumed to Bush.
The reactions around the world were like an avalanche, with Trump attemping to block this political collapse by a ill-spoken apology.
“These words don’t reflect who I am; I said it, I was wrong and I apologize,” Trump stated in a camera address that he posted on social media. The businessman added that both former US President Bill Clinton had actually abused women and Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. “We will discuss this more in the coming days,” Trump added.
After the initial comments spread like wildfire, a large number of Republicans disavowed the presidential candidate, including Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Arizona Sen. John McCain. Speaker of the US House of Representatives Paul Ryan also disinvited Trump for an event that was scheduled for Saturday. Even Trump’s VP running mate Mike Pence said he was offended by the candidate’s remarks.
“I am sickened by what I heard; women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests,” Ryan added.
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a post on her personal Facebook “Enough! Donald Trump should not be President. He should withdraw. As a Republican, I hope to support someone who has the dignity and stature to run for the highest office in the greatest democracy on earth.”
The end result has been the loss of many prominent endorsements and denouncements by top members of the GOP, the party of which Trump was the flag bearer.
Annahar’s preliminarily look at local’s reactions emphasized the reactions from women students and young professionals over the virally leaked comments.
Rand Hammoud, an International Affairs and Economics student at LAU told Annahar “that this is not the first time Trump has made derogatory comments about women. His whole campaign is an embodiment of rich ignorance and patriarchy. Yet, despite everything he has ever said about women, refugees or Mexicans, there are still some who want to vote for him which is truly scary.”
She added, “Trump only feeds on their xenophobia. But I think American voters should ask themselves if this is the president they want for their children; If they are driven by fear to vote for Trump, they should be driven by that same fear not to.”
Yasmina el Sabeh, a Journalism student at the Lebanese American University, said that it is certain that Donald Trump is neither the first nor the last sexist political figure. However, what is shameful is that there still are people who strongly believe that he will be able to represent their country. To say that he wants to “Make America Great Again” is hypocritical because no nation can ever be great if a big majority of it is held back.
“What if he becomes President? Is that the person that should rule the most powerful nation in the world? Not saying that Clinton is the right choice either,” Sabeh paused and then added significantly “I just want to tell those voting for Trump: if your daugter ever comes home telling you that the boys in her class are constantly disrespecting her as a female, remember that you elected a man who does the same.”
Rita Iskandar, a recent graduate of Psychology from the University of Saint Joseph, believed that the problem doesn’t lie on Donald trump alone, but that people have let him get to where he is currently – a presidential candidate.
“I am still waiting for the day where all of this controversy can be explained, because it still doesn’t make sense how someone who has said so many negative comments, not only to women, might be on his way to the White House,” she added.
Yasmina Tabaja, a Business graduate of the American University of Beirut, told Annahar that the Republican nominee’s discourse shows a sense of entitlement to women that are extremely demeaning while adding that Trump is a symbol of misogyny and a disgrace that he is a presidential candidate.
“His apology does not do much at this point because he has proven how sexist and unapologetic he is about his outbursts time and time again. But we can expect him and his campaign to try anything to save what is left of his image at this point in time,” Tabaja added.
Linda Panjarian, another local student, noted that “It is crystal clear that this man uses his high social stature and boosting…in order to accomplish abusive ends.”
She added with some anger, “Referring to the humans of the opposite gender as sexual objects, is not okay.”
Angela Beydoun, a political science graduate said that it scares her that people actually support a man so sexist to an extent he thinks he can buy everything with his money including women.
She added, “When you’re famous you can do whatever you want Trump (said on tape). In era where women are still seen as sex objects to please men, Trump is not the person people need to see leading the United States which is a super power.”
Annahar writer Yehia El Amine contributed to this report.