Kameel Rayes is a known weather man but mostly famous for his fly over videos over Lebanon. Here a one with the singer artist Enya, May it be.
Kameel at Youtube and on Twitter
Kameel Rayes is a known weather man but mostly famous for his fly over videos over Lebanon. Here a one with the singer artist Enya, May it be.
Kameel at Youtube and on Twitter
In her efforts to raise awareness about Lebanon’s natural wealth, the First Lebanese Lady Nadia el-Shami Aoun requested the use of pictures and drawings of the book “Trees of Lebanon” prepared by the “Center for the Protection of Nature” at the American University of Beirut, […]
Katie in her article “20 Epic Things to Do in Lebanon” describes seeking breathtaking beaches, a resilient population, a lively nightlife scene, and rich history? Then look no further, she says. Lebanon has got you covered. Lebanon just “wow-ed” me and I’m sure it will […]
“It is a shame to turn Lebanon into wasteland without plants, trees, birds and sea animals.” The Lebanese President, Michel Aoun, said during a press meeting at Baabda Palace on April 2nd, 2017. (For more details watch the video )
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