Southern Command: Isis coming through the southern US border by the thousands

Southern Command: Isis coming through the southern US border by the thousands
According to the Washington Beacon, Islamic extremists are infiltrating the US border through Mexican smugglers by the thousands. The US has taken in thousands of Syrian refugees legally, but an equal number are coming in illegally through Obama’s Open Border Policy according to the Southern Command. Mr. Obama opened the borders as one of the promises of his presidency, and according to a US Col. Lisa A. Garcia, #ISIS knows all about it. This takes #Terrorism to a new level.
Isis warning

According to Intelligence sources, ISIS warned the US authorities that they would be exploiting the Open Border Policy, as well as the refugee crisis. Intel says that this did not just start happening, but has been happening since the world found out about Obama’s open border policy. This means that you could have Islamic extremists in your neighborhood and not even know it. According to sources, when ISIS threatens to do something, they do it. This has many Americans on edge and asking the question, “Why isn’t our Government stopping this?”