Parliament member Ziad Assouad declared that we have to raise our voice in the face of anyone who tries or will try to eliminate the decision of Jezzine and its identity and the dissolution of its entity.
He also noted while in front of the office of Tayyar in Jezzine square, where a banner of the picture of president General Michel Aoun was hanging, that the youth of Jezzine have struggled and fought on multiple fronts for freedom and the sovereignty of Lebanon, emphasizing that this freedom and sovereignty started in Jezzine and will end in Jezzine.
Assouad also assured that the coming days will be tough and the attempts at eliminating our decision and our existence are clear and under different guises because we are not towing the line and of the same approach. For our approach is one of reparation and freedom and dignity, our approach is both liberation and liberating and fighting corruption, and for us to say our peace and to not be instructed as to what to say.
Assouad added that we have extended our hands to all and we shall protect them with our blood and our chests while protecting ourselves , our existence and our future, while we call out to the Jezzinites by saying: “You are our future and the decision of the free Jezzine and the resolution of our dignity that will lead us on the 6th of May”.
As for the mothers of the martyrs, Assouad said: T”o every tear shed by a martyr’s mother, for there are those who have forgotten that martyr, and we do not want her to cry for fear that her martyr’s blood would have spilled in vain.”
MP Ziad Assouad thanked General Salah Gebran who has been following the events with a clean conscience and high ethics as well as a solid political determination and closing of the ranks with his fellow constituents for a strong covenant and equality and true cooperation.
He ended his word by saying ” We have a rendezvous on the 6th of May and this rendezvous will not come again and we will not extol anyone, for he who defends we shall defend and he who’s voice is with us we will be right there by his side”.