President of the Republic Michel Aoun said that the huge burden of the displacement of more than one and a half million Syrians to Lebanon, in addition to the presence of around 500,000 Palestinians on its territory, necessitates responding to the needs of Lebanon as specified in Brussels Conference, to be able to continue delivering care to the displaced people and reduce the negative repercussions of this predicament.
President Aoun met on Friday at Baabda palace with the World Health Organization’s Middle East Region Director, Dr. Mahmoud Fikri, in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister. Public Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani.
Aoun stressed before the WHO senior official that Lebanon, which has signed all international agreements and conventions that prohibit the use of weapons of mass destruction, condemns the use of these weapons by any side, and in turn calls on the international community to compel Israel and countries which have not signed these treaties, to abide by their content and effects and to subject their nuclear facilities to guarantees of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
On the other hand, Baabda palace witnessed a series of meetings touching on an array of political, economic, touristic and social issues.
In this framework, Aoun met with MP Fadi al-Awar, whereby they held a tour d’horizon on most recent political developments and contacts underway for agreement over a new vote law.
Aoun also met with French presidency candidate, Jacques Cheminade, who briefed him on his electoral program and tackled Lebanese-French relations.
“The French are committed to strengthening these relations and developing them in all fields,” Cheminade said.
The French candidate expressed support for Lebanon, a free country, hailing the role it plays in the Middle East as well as in the world.
He also voiced utter need to assist Lebanon in its cause, notably in terms of the Syrian refugees’ crisis and at the economic level, stressing the need to reach peace in Syria and contribute in its reconstruction.
In addition, the President met with a joint delegation from the participants of “Horeca” exhibition and Restaurant Owners’ Syndicate, on the occasion of the organization of the international exhibition in “Biel.”
Aoun hailed the holding of exhibitions and symposiums which manifest Lebanon’s touristic image, branding the Lebanese cuisine one of the most important pillars of the touristic sector in Lebanon.