“Change and Reform” Parliamentary Bloc Secretary, MP Ibrahim Kanaan, ruled out, on Friday, any discussion of returning to or amending the 1960 electoral law, adding that “in the next 3 weeks, we should reach a common perception among the various parliamentary blocs regarding the electoral law, before the pressing deadlines.”
Speaking in an interview to “MTV” Channel, Kanaan indicated that, “discussions are underway regarding the mixed visions proposed with amendments to the terms of partition and seats.”
He pointed out that “amongst the dossiers subject to cooperation with House Speaker, Nabih Berri, is the electoral law, with the aim of reaching an intersection at this level.”
Kanaan concluded by saying that, “The page of presidential elections has been turned, and the approach today is between President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, representing the Constitution, and House Speaker Berri as Head of Parliament.”