Kanaan from Mehrab: Problem lies not in this government or another, but rather in the need for implementing the Constitution

NNA – Change and Reform Parliamentary Bloc Secretary, MP Ibrahim Kanaan, considered on Saturday that “the main obstacle at this stage lies not in the resignation of the current cabinet and appointing another one, but rather in the necessity of respecting the Charter and implementing the Constitution.”

Kanaan’s words came on emerging from his meeting with Lebanese Forces Party Head, Samir Geagea, at Mehrab, commissioned by General Michel Aoun.

“The meeting was a chance to dwell on various hour issues,” said Kanaan, adding that “common points of understanding were always present, especially in relation to our Constitution, Charter and Electoral Law, which ought to be renewed following 26 years of waiting!”

Talks also touched on the Presidential dossier, in light of the Christian unanimous decision to support General Aoun as a presidential candidate.

Over the public wastes issue, Kanaan stressed that “everyone should assume responsibility in this respect,” adding that “it is unacceptable for trash to remain on the streets.”

“We shall never be silent towards this matter, and the government ought to find a solution to this crisis once and for all!” he underscored.