Hariri gets blessings of Dar Fatwa on presidential issue

NNA – Former PM Saad Hariri met on Saturday with Mufti Abdulateef Deryan in Dar al Fatwa and relayed to him recent political developments, particularly his endorsement of Michel Aoun as a presidential candidate.

Following a private session with the Mufti, Hariri told the press that he was always keen on receiving the blessings of Dar al Fatwa on all matters, especially the end of the presidential stalemate, which should conclude on Monday with the election of Aoun.

The Mufti, in turn, lauded Hariri’s continuous efforts from the onset of the crisis to end the deadlock for the sake of the greater interest of Lebanon.

“From our side we say as long as the Lebanese have agreed on a way out of the presidential vacancy, then we support it,” added the Mufti.