Clarification from the Anti-Corruption office of the Ministry of State

The Information Office of the State Minister for the Fight against Corruption, Nicola Tueni, said in a statement , “that during the episode of “Kalam-El-Nas” presented by Mr. Marcel Ghanem on March 2, 2017 and broadcast on LBC, Ghanem stated that the State Minister Tueni sent an informal letter to the Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Mr. Yusuf Fenianos, indicating some guidance and ideas that will enhance transparency and seriousness in any public transaction. Mr. Ghanem, who read an excerpt from the letter to the public, was surprised that a minister, “who has no task,” as he said, sent such a letter to another minister with an active and official portfolio. It is to be noted that it was the Minister of Public Works and Transportation, worthy of thanks, the one who asked Minister Tueni to meet with him in order to strengthen and fortify any offer and bid with absolute transparency. Consequently, The Minister Tueni has presented his full cooperation to his Excellency the Minister of Public Works and has hastened to his office at the invitation of the latter in order to assist in the creation of the document requested by the Minister of Public works.

Such a statement was necessary to put the situation in perspective and to avoid any confusion.”