La Taiga

La Taiga – Sunny beaches with bubbles

La Taiga is one of Batroun’s most famous resorts and attracts people from around the country. It has 6 bungalows with small private lounge pools overlooking the stunning view. More: Facebook, Images and videos.


Sidon – World History

Sidon is the Greek name (meaning ‘fishery’) for the ancient Phoenician port city of Sidonia (also known as Saida) in what is, today, Lebannon (located about 25 miles south of Beirut). Along with the city of Tyre, Sidon was the most powerful city-state of ancient […]

Pope with relegious leaders in pray

President Michel Aoun: We are all invited to meet the aspirations of His Holiness the Pope and the friends of Lebanon in restoring the values and the essence of our presence, so that we deserve to be and remain the “message nation”.

This morning, President Aoun followed the proceedings of Pope Francis launching the “Day of Meditation and Prayer for Lebanon” through the television directly from the Vatican. The Holy Father has organized this day with the participation of the heads of the Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical […]


Oped: Wie sich die Abwertung des libanesischen Pfunds positiv auf den Tourismus im Libanon auswirkt

Die sukzessiven und schonungslosen Krisen im Libanon erfordern eine veränderte Wirtschaftspolitik und politische Entscheidungen. So düster es für die Einheimischen auch sein mag, die enorme Abwertung der Währung ist für Touristen zu einem direkten Anreiz geworden, das Land zu besuchen. William Charo, Vorstandsmitglied der libanesischen Investitionsentwicklungsbehörde (IDAL), […]


Bkassine – Jezzine – Lebanon

Bkassine, Beit Kassin (“village of the disappeared”), is a village in Lebanon surrounded by the Bkassine Pine Forest. The village is near city Jezzine in South Lebanon district. The village received a National Institute for Heritage award. The village has annual festival. The village includes […]