La Taiga – Sunny beaches with bubbles
La Taiga is one of Batroun’s most famous resorts and attracts people from around the country. It has 6 bungalows with small private lounge pools overlooking the stunning view. More: Facebook, Images and videos.
La Taiga is one of Batroun’s most famous resorts and attracts people from around the country. It has 6 bungalows with small private lounge pools overlooking the stunning view. More: Facebook, Images and videos.
Kayrouz was always a pioneer in his field. In 1995, after pursuing his studies in Paris, he came back to Beirut, then considered “the city of possibilities”, he says. “The war had ended a few years before, and a creative scene was being fuelled by the […]
What are some of your favorite dishes that your mom makes? “I’ve curated the menu in a way that includes all my favorite dishes. I love her kebbe bi laban, vegetarian lasagna, homemade shawarma. For dessert, the fresh fruit paradise is my absolutely favorite and […]
Sidon is the Greek name (meaning ‘fishery’) for the ancient Phoenician port city of Sidonia (also known as Saida) in what is, today, Lebannon (located about 25 miles south of Beirut). Along with the city of Tyre, Sidon was the most powerful city-state of ancient […]
Hayek wrote Huda and Me for all Australian kids but particularly for those like her: who eat falafels for lunch, whose parents have Middle Eastern accents. Published in March, it’s a rollicking adventure story about two siblings who steal a credit card and head to […]
The President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, followed up on the procedures and measures that were decided at the last meeting of the Higher Defense Council. The president stressed the necessity of facilitating the arrival of travelers to and out of Beirut airport, ensuring their […]
This morning, President Aoun followed the proceedings of Pope Francis launching the “Day of Meditation and Prayer for Lebanon” through the television directly from the Vatican. The Holy Father has organized this day with the participation of the heads of the Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical […]
Die sukzessiven und schonungslosen Krisen im Libanon erfordern eine veränderte Wirtschaftspolitik und politische Entscheidungen. So düster es für die Einheimischen auch sein mag, die enorme Abwertung der Währung ist für Touristen zu einem direkten Anreiz geworden, das Land zu besuchen. William Charo, Vorstandsmitglied der libanesischen Investitionsentwicklungsbehörde (IDAL), […]
Bkassine, Beit Kassin (“village of the disappeared”), is a village in Lebanon surrounded by the Bkassine Pine Forest. The village is near city Jezzine in South Lebanon district. The village received a National Institute for Heritage award. The village has annual festival. The village includes […]
“There was a history of wine [in Lebanon] before the French came,” says Farrah Berrou, a Lebanese wine expert and host of B is for Bacchus, an educational wine podcast. “They revived it, but it was the Phoenicians who introduced wine to Europe, not the other […]
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