
Freedom of Speech in the Age of Yellow Journalism

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”  While this popular quote is normally attributed to Voltaire, it refers to what Evelyn Hall thought Voltaire’s attitude would have been in response to the condemnation of […]


Beyrouth. Une destination prisée?

Si pendant longtemps Beyrouth était considéré comme l’hôpital du Moyen-Orient et la capitale de la chirurgie esthétique, les choses ont bien changé depuis 2011. La crise syrienne et la baisse du tourisme sont passés par là. Le talent des médecins libanais suffira-t-il à faire revenir […]


Lebanon Denounces London Attack

The President of the Lebanese Republic, General Michel Aoun, and the speaker of the House Nabih Berri, expressed their solidarity with Great Britain and denounced the attacks in Central London. In an official letter sent by the President to the Queen Elizabeth II, the President […]