
Líbano busca atraer ‘start up’ europeas

Este pequeño país al norte de Israel quiere demostrar que su tecnología no tiene nada que envidiar con la de su vecino del sur. En paralelo, pretende enriquecer la innovación de su economía atrayendo empresas y talento extranjero. La semana pasada se celebró en Madrid […]


Rebellen und Assad-Truppen nehmen dieselbe IS-Hochburg ins Visier

In Syrien nehmen Aufständische und Truppen von Präsident Baschar al-Assad offenbar dieselbe Hochburg der Extremistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) ins Visier. TDie der Regierung in Damaskus nahestehende Zeitung “Al-Achbar” aus dem Libanon berichtet am Freitag, die syrische Armee plane eine Offensive in der Nähe von Rakka […]

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The “sick man” of the international system

When Francis Fukuyanna declared the “End of History” at the turn of the century, he certainly overlooked the Middle East, where history has had a future – and a bright one indeed. At the beginning of the 20th century, nationalism made headway in the Middle […]


Judge questions Ogero officials in illegal internet case

The head of the state-owned telecommunications company Ogero and two other officials testified Thursday as witnesses in investigations into country’s the unlicensed Internet case. A source told The Daily Star that Mount Lebanon’s Investigative Judge Rami Abdallah questioned Abdel-Moneim Youssef along with Ogero’s IT director […]


Judge cancels release of former Lebanon MP

Mount Lebanon’s Accusatory Body Thursday rejected a decision to release former MP Hasan Yaacoub on bail, who is accused of being involved in the kidnapping of Hannibal Gadhafi. A source told The Daily Star that the head of the body Judge Elias Eid cancelled a […]