President Trump announced on April 13 that the U.S. conducted a military strike against the Syrian government in response to suspected chemical attack.
(For more details watch the video above).
President Trump announced on April 13 that the U.S. conducted a military strike against the Syrian government in response to suspected chemical attack.
(For more details watch the video above).
The comparison to ISIS is one with heinous overtones, given that the Islamic State has become infamous for its vicious attacks and executions, including many mass killings of religious minorities, people they suspect as being spies or collaborators with their enemies, or for crimes committed […]
At least 100 members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, including some high-ranking commanders, have been killed when Iraq’s Air Force carried out a number of airstrikes against their positions across the western province of Anbar. The Iraqi Interior Ministry, in a statement released on […]
Alors que le pillage de sites historiques bat son plein en Syrie, les trafiquants ne parviennent pas toujours à s’emparer d’objets rares. Pour satisfaire la demande de collectionneurs occidentaux, ils se sont lancés dans la confection de répliques. Des livres anciens de magie noire qui […]
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