
Radio rusa Sputnik, ahora en el Líbano

La emisora Sputnik Arabic empezó a transmitir sus programas en el Líbano por un acuerdo con la estación local, La Voz del Líbano (VDL), que utiliza la banda 93.3 FM. Sputnik Arabic transmitirá dos veces al día, de las 17.45 a las 19.45 hora Beirut, […]


La UE insta al Líbano a celebrar elecciones pronto

Los ministros de Asuntos Exteriores de la Unión Europea han instado a las autoridades libanesas a celebrar elecciones legislativas “pronto” en 2017 y garantizar “un proceso transparente y tranquilo” tras celebrar que la elección del presidente libanés, Michel Aoun, en octubre y la formación del […]


Aoun to Visit Egypt Soon

President Michel Aoun is expected to visit Egypt before long for talks with President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, a trip that was purported to be part of his tour after Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but was postponed for pressing reasons, al-Joumhouria daily reported Saturday. Cairo was […]


Kanaan: LF, FPM understanding strategic

Deputy Ibrahim Kanaan said on Sunday that the understanding between the Lebanese Forces (LF) and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) was strategic and consecrated partnership and Charter. “It has been proven that this understanding was not seasonal but strategic and allotted a new equation on […]


Once a superpower, how strong is Russia now?

St. Basil Cathedral is in Moscow’s Red Square. File photo by Maxim Zmeyev/Reuters Not since the end of the Cold War has Russia dominated U.S. headlines to the degree we’ve seen during this election. According to U.S. intelligence services, Russian President Vladimir Putin is waging […]