
The returning jihad: ISIL in Southeast Asia

As ISIL loses territory in Iraq and Syria, the nature of the threat in Southeast Asia is set to change. Until recently much of the violence caused by extremists in Southeast Asia has been as much about local conditions as Islamist ideology. The return of […]


Why the U.S. Military Can’t Fix Syria

The State Department “dissent channel” memo on the United States’ policy in Syria, leaked last month, is just the latest expression of a widespread belief in and out of government that American intervention in Syria is necessary and would be successful. After five years of […]


Festival München zeigt Filme aus der islamischen Welt

München – Was in Europa aus den Ländern im Nahen und Mittleren Osten zu hören ist, ist selten positiv. Krieg, Selbstmordanschläge und das Leid der Flüchtlinge bestimmen die Nachrichten. Der Filmemacher Halkawt Mustafa bedauert das. «Alle denken, jeder weint die ganze Zeit», sagt der kurdische […]